Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thursday, October 10th, 2013

Ugh I am so mad!
There's this friggin ANNOYING kid in my manufacturing class. My friend was at his table so me and my other friend Maya went to go talk to her. He was all "Oh my god stop distracting us go away no one wants you here". UUUUggggghHHHHH!!! He also said more stuff which would kill my hands by the time I got done typing this post. Like, shut up no one likes you. All we were doing was just going over there to talk to our friend, Riley! He could of just moved to another table with his partner and work on the balloon project that we're currently working on over there. Ugh! How come everyone is being so rude? First it's that girl that was messing with my friend, and now it's this stupid kid that could've just MINDED HIS OWN BUSINESS and not have said anything. Simple as that.
And that girl that was bullying my friend is so ugly. She has an underbite and shouldn't be rude to my friend because no one likes a bully. And my school thinks that they're amazing at taking care of bully problems...
At least I have ballet tonight. I like ballet. Even though I am so tired by the time I'm done because I spend an hour and a half jumping around and "rolling my feet" and stretching and all that.
Oh, I forgot to say, sadly, my parents are divorced. It's so annoying. But it was a nice divorce. They didn't hate each other or anything. They just didn't feel like they loved each other, that they would be better off as friends. I live with my mom. I go to my dad's every other weekend. I'm with him this weekend. He JUST got cable last week. Well, at least that's one step up. Because he lives in a teeny apartment and I don't even have my own room. I also have to get up some Saturdays and sell with him in the city, or yard sale, because that's what he does for a living.
But I still love my dad! And my mom!
At least I only see my dad every other weekend. Some people I know see their dads every weekend, and sometimes every other week. Their dads drop them off at school.
Next week my Aunt Sharon is coming over. I'm so excited! She makes the most amazing food and I love to go to the mountains to see her (she lives up in the mountains in a community) and my cousins. I actually just saw them 2 weeks ago, but my cousins aren't coming down this time. My Aunt Sharon is coming down because my mom is getting her uterus taken out, so she's coming to  take care of my mom. I'm excited to see Aunt Sharon, but I'm not excited for mom's surgery! Well, at least it not something major like a heart transplant or something like that. All that's happening is that she's getting her uterus taken out. 


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wednesday, October 9th, 2013

Well, I got home from school about 2 hours ago. 2 hours and 15 minutes ago (I get home around 3:20-3:25). I'm working on homework. We have to find a simile in our current book and post it on Edmodo for reading. We have a symbiosis task that I am confused about and tried asking a few of my friends but they didn't know or they didn't respond. The day goes by so much faster now that I'm in middle school and switching classes all the time.
I feel so bad for my friend!
There's this girl in homeroom named ***** and she's being rude to my friend! 
My friend sent me a text that said:
"UGHHHHH I HATE ***** ****!!"
ME: Who's tht?
FRIEND: You know that girl ***** in our homeroom?
ME: No
ME: Y do u hate her?
FRIEND: Hang on my friend just told me what ***** said about me like last week. I'll send you a snap shot of it.
ME: k
FRIEND sends me snap shots of the texts. It says...
"Yeah well like last week she was like "everyone knows she likes ***** and she has a mustache"
ME: Ugh, what is her friggin problem?
ME: Ugh. Don't worry about her. She's just jealous.
FRIEND: I hate ppl like that so much!
ME: She's jelly because ur pretty and u hav awesome friends and she KNOWS tht ***** likes u.
ME: And she's ugly and annoying and wht she says shows tht she is so jealous of u tht she actually has 2 talk about u 2 make herself feel better.
FRIEND: Thanks, you made me happy.
ME: Ur welcs.

This is  true. The only reason why people probably bully others is because they actually are jealous of them so much that they have to talk about them to make them feel better.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

Well, it's almost Halloween!
I'm going to be a cat this year.
I think that I'm getting a little bit to old for these type of things, but it's an opportunity to get a whole pillow case of free candy! Who could go wrong with free candy?
We are painting pumpkins right now. I'm painting mine black and I'm putting orange and white polka dots on it. I'll try to set up a picture for you guys. We decided to do something different this year, instead of just carving a face into a pumpkin. Plus, you don't have to touch all of the gross wet seeds.
OH and I almost forgot!
Pinterest: coolmintava4
Kik: cutie44444
I also have snapchat but I don't feel like sharing my snapchat with random people that I most likely don't know.


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